How do I book an appointment with Lily Swan?
To schedule a date with me, please fill out the booking form on my website or send an email to Be sure to include your name, preferred date and time, location, and any special requests.

What is your screening process?
When completing my contact form you will become aware of my screening questions. These questions are mandatory in order to submit the booking form as all first-time lovers must adhere to my screening policy. Screening is important to me as it allows me to feel comfortable on our date and ensures that you are a safe and respectful person. Failure to comply with my screening policy means your booking request will be respectfully declined.

Do you require a deposit?
Yes, I require a deposit to secure our date. For local dates, a 40% deposit is required. For Fly Me To You (FMTY) arrangements, a 50% deposit plus expenses is required. This ensures my availability and commitment to our scheduled time together.

What is your cancellation policy?
The deposit is non-refundable unless I cancel the date. If you need to cancel or reschedule, please notify me at least 48 hours in advance. Cancellations within 24 hours will result in a cancellation fee of 10% of the honorarium.

What services do you offer?
I offer a range of luxury companion services, including dinner dates, social outings, travel companionship, and personalized experiences. Each date is tailored to create a memorable and enjoyable time together.

Do you offer Fly Me To You (FMTY) services?
Yes, I am available for FMTY arrangements. Please provide at least one week's notice for domestic travel and two weeks for international travel. Travel expenses are to be covered by the client.

What are your requirements for extended, overnight, and FMTY dates?
For extended, overnight, and FMTY dates, I require a separate room just for myself. This allows me to sleep, groom, and decompress in privacy after our time together. It ensures that I am well-rested and at my best for the duration of our date.

How is my privacy protected?
Your privacy is of utmost importance to me. All personal information is kept confidential and will never be shared with third parties. I also expect the same level of discretion from my clients.

What measures do you take to ensure discretion during our time together?
I maintain a low profile and conduct myself with the utmost professionalism. We will always meet in upscale and private locations to ensure a comfortable and discreet experience.


Booking & Appointments
Services & Experiences
Privacy & Discretion

How should I contact you?
The best way to reach me is through the contact form on my website or via email at Please avoid explicit language and be respectful in your communication.

What should I do if I am running late?
If you anticipate being late, please inform me as soon as possible. Our time together is precious, and I will do my best to accommodate any delays.


Do You accept gifts?

While gifts are never expected, they are always deeply appreciated as a thoughtful gesture. If you wish to bring something special, you may consider selecting an item from my wish list or choosing something you believe I would enjoy. Such gestures are a lovely way to show an extra level of interest.

You can explore my curated wish lists here:

These lists include some of my favorite items and experiences that would make our time together even more special.

How should I conduct myself during our date?
Please be respectful, polite, and considerate. Treat our time together as you would a romantic and elegant date, focusing on mutual enjoyment and connection.

Behavior & Conduct
Gifts & Tokens of Appreciation

For discretion and ease, please place the honorarium in an unsealed envelope. This envelope should then be handed to me at the beginning of our date in a public setting. To ensure a smooth and discreet transaction, consider presenting the envelope inside a small token of appreciation such as:

A bouquet of flowers

A card

A book

A gift bag with a small item

This method maintains the elegance and discretion of our arrangement. Please ensure the amount is accurate and in cash.


No Review Policy

Our time together is sacred and personal. I will never discuss the details of our engagements with anyone and expect the same from you. If I encounter any reviews about our time together on any public/private forums or platforms, I will immediately cease all contact and no longer engage with you as a suitor.